I'm a political economist and strategic analyst with broad international experience in digital transformation, electronic media, international banking, and foundation work, For the last 25 years or so I've been devoted to leveraging ICT to accelerate social, economic and political development. My current professional interests: promoting thought, communication, and action across three areas: sufficiency, sustainability, and innovation. See more about the S4S Network I coordinate at sufficiency4sustainability.org and for my professional curriculum see linkedin.com/in/petertknight/ and www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter_Knight6.
I also have a commercial site where you can purchase some of my best photographs in a variety of media, sizes, and frames. There you can also buy merch with the same images, for example mugs, tote bags, and T-shirts (ptknightphotos.com)
These days I devote more time to photography (see also 500px.com/ptknight) and stand-up paddle (SUP) training, racing and some surfing. I've always been a paddler of canoes and kayaks, with some memorable trips and races, as well as a skier. This site highlights some of my photographs.
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